Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 30: Re-Defining Commitment - Part 5

Continued Self-Commitments from Day 26: Re-Defining Commitment - Part 1,

I commit myself to stop the guilt as a reaction to seeing that there are others that require to be cared before that I have ignored or are unable to assist at this moment.  When and as I become guilty for what I have not and could have done, I stop. I realize that this moment is over.  I self-forgive myself for the experience of guilt that I have accepted and allowed and I move to the next moment.  I see, realize, and understand that to continue to allow myself to be/become guilty drains me and changes nothing.  My experience of guilt is my own creation.

I commit myself to no longer be a character that looks for validation, appreciation, nor Love outside of myself.  So, within this, I commit myself to establish a relationship with myself where I validate, am grateful, and loving of myself by removing the memories, thoughts, and reactions that I constantly and continuously abuse/beat myself up and/or beat myself down with so that I look outside of myself to 'feel better'.  I commit myself to remove myself from this polarity cycle and within this commitment, I commit myself to establish trust of/with/for myself.

I commit myself to removing my self-created fears - I made-up my fears to give depth, purpose, and protection to/for my characters which, in the end, I found the 'protection' was never real nor was the 'depth' - and the 'purpose' was a lie as my purpose changes with each character.

I commit myself to slowing myself down so that I can communicate specifically and effectively.  I have come to see and thus understand that when I slow down, communication is faster/less time-consuming.

I commit myself to stop functioning as a word-processing 'auto-corrector'. I commit myself to stop correcting others and/or speaking for others when communicating in written or spoken conversation.  I see, realize, and understand that all are equally responsible for our words within written and spoken conversation. We are all equally able.

I commit myself to continuing to remove and/or not make any new distractions within my life at the moment.  When and as I am able/ready to test my character removal - I will consider re-introducing myself into specific environments that may bring out the character(s) that I am removing to test my effectiveness within Character Removal - I will see.

I commit myself to stop 'trying' - I commit myself to replace my 'trying' with ACTUAL DOING.  Within this, I commit myself to remove the words, 'I'm trying' from my written words, spoken words, and inner-dialogues.

I commit myself to walking within my seeing, realizing, and understanding that I only can 'determine' or decide when I fail and only I can decide to allow myself to react to what I am seeing as my 'being-at-fault' by 'falling'.  Within walking this, I commit myself to be aware that when I react with the fear of loss of myself as a Character that I 'thought I was' within any given scenario/environment, that this a flag-point for me to investigate within/without/as/of/from myself.

I commit myself to stop making up excuses and justifications for commitments that I have made that I do not want/desire to follow through with. When and as I over-extend myself within commitments that I have made, I commit myself to investigate and thus be self-honest with myself as to what I can or cannot physically do/not do and direct myself from that point.

I commit myself to no longer accept nor allow myself to accept pity, whining, bitching, or complaining from myself and others.  And within this commitment, I commit myself to investigate each point of pity, whining, bitching, and/or complaining that comes up within/without of myself.

I commit myself to stop the Manipulation Game that I play with others and within that, I commit myself to remove the strategic manipulation tactics that I create as thoughts in response to my fear of loss or fear that I won't get what I want, desire, or need.

I commit myself to taking back my power by taking responsibility for myself, removing my relationship creations, and building self-trust.

I commit myself to removing my Polarity Points/Buttons/Traps so that I am able to have the opportunity to give, receive, and enjoy life.

I commit myself to stop suppressing my  thoughts, feelings, emotions, and memories - within this, I commit myself to stand up, face, and become equal to my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and memories that I have been suppressing as a fear response to my not wanting to 'go back' to 'who I was' or 'what I was'.


I commit myself to grounding myself within my reality where I see there are NO superheros, NO superpowers, and there is NOTHING SUPERNATURAL. I commit myself to understanding the REAL NATURE of this existence - when and as I see myself as 'hopeful', 'inspired', and imagining possibilities of myself being enlightened, super, or of physical/mental/spiritual powerful, I stop.  I realize that this does not exist in my current reality and the fact of matter is that NOT ONE PERSON can bring about a world that's best for all and that for one of us to be a superhero, we must ALL be superheros. Until that day comes, I commit myself to working with what is here.

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